Healing on a Soul Level
Healing on a soul level involves a deep and comprehensive look deep within yourself. It's not always pretty, in fact it is often quite dark when we take such a deep dive. Yes, there will be tears, anger and sometimes laughter, but exploring all these levels of our emotional being is what brings about true deep and lasting healing. Each of us on this earth plane has three parts to our being: our ego, soul and our spirit. Neither of the first two are who we really are. Ego is that part of us which develops from birth on and is compromised from the events/experiences we undergo through life, the cultural we grew up in and our environment including the friends, family and others we interacted with. Foods, chemicals, pharmaceutical are included as part of our environment. But that ego is not who we are, it is simply how we react and interact with ourselves and others. Our soul is that part of us that follows us throughout time and space such as with our past lives, again not who we are. In many cases, trauma we experienced in past lives carries forward into this life governing who we perceive ourselves to be. Science would have us believe that disease and illness are on to us through our DNA from our family members. I believe, actually I know that it goes deeper then this. When an ancestor experiences a trauma or wound, that soul wound is carried for ward through all ancestral lines. In treating such an ailment it is essential that we go back to the original wound in our ancestor. In doing so we can heal that bruised or incomplete soul being. Since time and space are not linear, that healing then transmute through all lineages, even forward in time to our children. Our Spirit is who we truly are, our true essence and that which connects us directly to source or the Creator and links us with ever living entity in the universe. To truly heal ourselves we must dig deep below the surface of our physical, mental and emotional bodies and reconnect with our true spirit. We need to remove the constraints and bindings around us on a soul level, returning our soul's being into full and complete resonance with our spirit. |